Unable to use selfie stick with Android phone? Settings to check.
Trying your new selfie stick with your Android Phone but it doesn't work with your phone? Just in case, if you are not able to use selfie stick with Android phone, here are a few settings you should check on your phone's camera app. I am blogging this post because someone posted on my previous blog post that he is not able to use selfie stick on his Android Redmi Phone. So, here are the settings to check and if it still does not work, an alternative app to try. If your phone does not have any settings to allow the camera to take pictures using the volume buttons, then there are alternative apps you can download and install from Google Play and use it with selfie sticks. Watch this short video to learn more: /> Most default Android Phone app comes with a setting to take pictures with the volume key. Your camera's setting is the first place to check if a selfie stick is not working on your phone. Here are a few things to check to start: Check if there is